Waking up

Sometimes I am overwhelmed by gratitude.
It takes me over
Not washing over like a shower,
like a warm glow,
but like a searing pain that comes from


Sometimes gratitude slips in unknown
like those helicopter seeds that whirl
around the air and fall
until they are small trees
that have rooted
in my heart.

Sometimes I have no earthly reason
to feel that prick of joy
at least not
on the surface.

If my gratitude were a tree you could see
you might wonder where it comes from
and why

But today I wear it quietly.
it is the seed that has taken root
but not yet grown tall enough for you to notice

Today it is not searing me,
doubling me over with wonder.
Quietly, it grows, grounding
my loneliness in something larger,
something lovelier,
something more powerful
than I have a right to know.

And yet, I do.

Which brings me
full circle.



  1. Shannon · August 15, 2009

    perfect 🙂 thanks for this.


  2. karen · August 13, 2009

    What a beautiful thing to read as I wake up. Thank you!


  3. mskitty · August 13, 2009

    Lovely, Momma, thank you!


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